"If the politicians we put in power don't want to help, we do. And we will do it" Alberto Xicoténcat
Alberto Xicoténcat is the Director of the Saltillo Migrant Shelter, Mexico. Since 2002, the Casa del Migrante de Saltillo has been fighting for the human rights of migrants transiting through Mexico. The humanitarian support that the Casa del Migrante de Saltillo provides to migrants includes medical and psychological care for those who need it, as well as legal assistance with the migratory process and deportation cases.
As a result, the Casa del Migrante de Saltillo has received extensive recognition for its work, having been awarded the Lettelier-Moffitt Human Rights Award by the Institute for Policy Studies.
"We inherit wonderful struggles from our ancestors and we have to continue advancing to pass them on to the people who come after us." Alberto Xicoténcat
"Humanitarian support is a form of defending human rights." Alberto Xicoténcat
"In Mexico doing our work is not well thought of because it inhibits economic profit." Alberto Xicoténcat
"Populations aren't born vulnerable, they are made vulnerable because their rights are denied." Alberto Xicoténcat
"A migrant becomes an object of economic and physical benefit, and by not receiving justice the crimes continue being perpetuated over time" Alberto Xicoténcat