Diana Pérez is a member of the Territorial Defence Area with the Mexican Institute for Community Development (IMDEC), an independent, autonomous Mexican civil society organisation, founded in Guadalajara, Jalisco in 1963. Its prime objective is supporting the defence of land and common goods, the refounding of democracy, and the full guarantee of human rights through education and popular education. IMDEC carries out its work accompanying processes directly in territories together with communities, citizens’ groups, civil society organisations and social movements as trainers and educators through national and Latin American political education programmes.
" They are planing the generation of electricity exclusively for private use. In the case of the Puebla 1 Hydroelectric Project, the energy they are hoping to produce would go directly to the Walmart group" Diana Perez
"we need to be sensitive a different kind of life and resolve cases not just based on the strict judicial analysis of environmental or social impact but also to take into consideration the cultural effects that these projects bring." Diana Perez
Diana Perez is part of the Documentary 'In Defence of Our Lands about land and environmental rights campaigners in Latin America.