Franklin works in the regional office of the Agricultural Workers Union, CNTC (National Union of Rural Workers) in Honduras.
The CNTC, created in 1985, is a small-scale farming and trade union organisation, which fights for the distribution of land. It is affiliated to the Unitary Confederation of Honduran Workers (Confederación Unitaria de Trabajadores de Honduras - CUTH) and is part of the Vía Campesina. Its aim is to support affiliated small-scale farming families so that they have access to land and resources and can carry out productive agricultural, fishing, forestry and agro-industrial activities, contributing to their social and economic development. The CNTC organises actions to demand rights, carries out educational processes and manages resources for the implementation of profitable productive projects with a gender and sustainable agriculture approach.
In addition, it also conducts research and monitors legal cases: land surveys, land legalisation procedures, evictions and accompaniment to victims prosecuted during these processes.
"when the farmers returned to demand their rights, what the government did was to imprison them"
Franklin Almendrades
Franklin Almendrades is part of the Documentary 'In Defence of Our Lands' about land and environmental rights campaigners in Latin America.