JLO has dedicated her life to defending LGBT rights since she started her own transition when she was 15 years old. She has survived 3 attempts on her life to date. Since 2009 at least 325 LGBT people, mainly trans women, have been killed in Honduras. Those who survive seldom report it for fear of the consequences as they continue to receive death threats and harassment. Research shows that at least 60% of the hate crimes are carried out by the armed forces. Impunity rates in the cases that are reported is 98%.
JLo is a member of Arcoiris, a group of LGBT+ human rights defenders in Tegucigalpa. In recent years the organisation has faced mounting threats and attacks, including the murder of 6 of its members, sexual violence and relentless public abuse and stigmatisation, making Honduras one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be an LGBT+ activist.
"The man got out of the car. They were all dressed in military uniforms but they had their faces covered. I didn’t move my eyes, I thought this man is going to shoot me in the head." Jlo Cordova